
Optimizing a Talent Management Service Delivery Model

Zoom call


The talent team at this company wanted to establish a baseline cost estimate of the different delivery channels and business services. The company budgets money for the delivery of talent management services but it was difficult to have conversations about the delivery model since the services varied by business unit and the costs had not been studied recently. Employee preferences were changing in favour of on-demand delivery through online channels but it was not clear the items that would deliver the greatest value if moved to digital delivery in the future.

The Challenge

The company needed more information about the cost of delivery and the perceived value of different talent management services. The company needed the information to prioritize services for digital delivery across the organization.

The Process

The team engaged with employees across the organization to define the overall service delivery model, key activities, and relevant costs. We provided high-level estimates of business costs and impacts using available data from HR systems combined with survey data. In multiple workshop sessions, the opportunities for digital service delivery were prioritized and relevant next steps to move the services online.

The Output

A variety of activities to understand the capabilities and cost of delivery including journey mapping and a detailed activity analysis study. We engaged employees from across the organization to understand the perceived value of services, opportunities for improvements, and recommended services for online delivery.

Keys to Success

  • Stakeholder management
  • Service Delivery Optimization