Journey Mapping

Create images of a service experience for discussion of the current state or future desired state.

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    Why does journey mapping matter?

    Journey mapping provides you with a detailed understanding of how your existing customers and potential customers view and interact with your business. It gives you the power and knowledge to optimize the overall customer experience to stay ahead of trends and provide even more value as a brand or service.

    Journey mapping

    What’s our process?

    We have experience with creating journey maps for agencies. Our research approach is designed on a project by project basis to uncover the goals, motivations, attitudes, constraints and pivotal moments in the customer journey (both positive and negative).


    1. Recruiting

    • Develop participant recruiting criteria
    • Recruitment of employee and customer participants

    2. Employee and Customer Research Interviews

    • One-on-one or small group interviews with current or competitor customers to understand desired outcomes, key steps, and emotions during the experience
    • One-on-one or small group interviews with employees to understand their perspective on the key steps for customers and customer emotional journey during the experience

    3. Experience Trends Research

    • Research similar journeys or steps to find trends
    • Summarize trends and best practices of the similar journeys

    4. Metrics and KPI Research

    • Consolidate available data to understand the organization’s performance in the delivery of the service

    5. Visual Summary

    • Create a visual representation of the service journey for conversation
    Journey Mapping Example


    • Recruitment from customer lists
    • User personas or behaviour profiles are available


    • Move from assumptions based to research-based decision-making
    • Create alignment across the organization for changes in the service experience

    Services performed for

    Ready to start?

    Contact us to discuss how we can help you with your next project that requires our expertise in journey mapping.

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