Service Blueprinting 

Explore ways to improve (or create) a service experience to meet customer and business goals

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    Why does service blueprinting matter?

     The blueprint creates a coherent vision for the future experience, finds opportunities to improve the experience, and aids decision-making.

    What’s our process?

    We facilitate conversations with customers and diverse parts of the organization to prioritize and visualize key moments in the experience and the supporting technologies and people. 


    1. Recruiting

    • Development of recruitment criteria
    • Recruitment of employee and customer participants

    2. Customer View

    • One-on-one or small group interviews with current and prospective customers to understand goals and key moments in the customer journey (positive and negative).

    3. Employee and Data View

    • One-on-one or small group interviews with employees to understand opportunities, pain points, and data available.

    4. Prioritization

    • Small group or large group session to prioritize service features in the customer journey and supporting back-of-house investments

    5. Collaboration Session

    • Sessions with employees and customers to identify new ideas for the customer journey and gather information about supporting back-of-house needs.


    6. Visualization

    • Visualization of key customer interactions along the journey and the supporting people, process and technology
    Clean - CX Blueprint Example Jan 2022 Reduced


    • Minimum research group of 10 users
    • Require access to marketing, POS or other type of customer data


    • Move from assumptions based to research based decision-making
    • Create alignment across the organization for changes in the service experience

    Services performed for

    Ready to start?

    Contact us to discuss how we can help you with your next project.

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