User Profiles

We create user profiles so you can deliver a service that matches your customer behaviours and needs.

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    Why do profiles matter?

    Effective designs are based on customer insights. User profiles help businesses deliver services that match customer behaviours and needs.

    What’s our process?

    Our research approach is designed to uncover the goals, motivations, attitudes, constraints and pivotal moments in the user journey using small group study and large group data analysis.


    1. Recruiting

    • Development of participant screener
    • Recruitment of participants (using customer lists)

    2. Customer Research

    • Review of existing user research to inform our preliminary user understanding and research materials
    • Internal workshops or interviews of the policies, processes, services and touchpoints to inform the user landscape
    • Current and prospect customer engagement which may include one-on-one interviews, small group workshops, and/or creative journaling

    3. Segmentation Analysis

    • Creation of user clusters through statistical analysis of user data
    • Synthesis of data clusters and qualitative personas to understand user behaviour and key moments in the customer journey (positive and negative)

    4. Profile Creation

    • Summary of user types into multiple personas detailing goals, motivations, attitudes, and key moments in the customer journey


    • One prep meeting and one debrief meeting
    • Recruitment from customer lists
    • Minimum research group of 250 users
    • Require access to user, marketing, and other POS type of data


    • Move from assumptions based to research-based decision making
    • Create alignment across the organization for the goals and motivation of users that need to be satisfied

    Ready to start?

    Contact us to discuss how we can help you with your next project.

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